Psychological Health & Development Associates, LLC

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." 

C.S. Lewis​

Specific Areas of Clinical Focus:

We work with adults across the lifespan. The way that we think about ourselves and the world around us, as well as the challenges and dilemmas that we face in lives, differ tremendously across our lifespans. We have expertise working with patients from a wide range of backgrounds and ages, but currently we are not seeing patients under the age of 18.   

We offer individual and couples therapy. The specific type of treatment, estimated length of treatment, and frequency of sessions will be determined based on your individual needs and discussed at conclusion of the initial/ first session and re-evaluated with you throughout the process. 

Our approach is eclectic, but please do not mistake eclectic to mean muddled. Some therapists with little or no formal psychological training refer to their style as eclectic as a way to hide their lack of formal theoretical expertise, but we have expertise in many theories/ approaches. It is this very expertise that will guide treatment determining which theory is best suited to treat each unique individual. Research clearly reveals that no one theoretical approach is uniformly better than others, though popular press would lead you to believe otherwise promoting whatever theory is in vogue. Regardless of the specific theoretical system practically all psychotherapies work by expanding awareness. In fact, even when the focus of treatment is not symptom relief, when the goal is a general increase in contentment, empowerment, and happiness often referred to as "self-actualization" the critical component is awareness.
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Go to Our Clinicians page to see a list of clinical specialties of each clinician.

  • Depression

  • General Anxiety

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  • Stress

  • Panic & Phobias

  • Life Transitions and Adjustment Issues

  • Marital Problems

  • Interpersonal and Relationship Problems

Therapy services are not one size fits all.

We are proficient in a wide array of theories including Cognitive-Behavioral, Psychodynamic, and Systems theories. We tailor our approach, grounded firmly in theoretical expertise to guide you to symptom resolution, greater self-direction, and teach you how to identify and break down obstacles to your success.

  • LGBTQ Issues
  • Substance Abuse
  • Women's Issues
  • Grief and Loss
  • Midlife Concerns
  • Journaling, Dream work and Art therapy
  • Coping with Chronic Medical Illness